Chronic Launch In Joburg

Chimurenga Magazine launches its new issue, the Chimurenga Chronic, a speculative newspaper set in May 2008, with a Chronic Library exhibition and a live music event in Johannesburg from 19-26 October 2011.


“The Forest and the Zoo” – a Blue Notes tribute concert on 21 October at the Drill Hall (14/15/16 Twist Street, Joubert Park, Johannesburg)

Under the direction of composer/trumpeter Marcus Wyatt, some of Johannesburg’s leading jazz musicians will explore Chimurenga Chronic themes such as history, exile and memory in their tribute to the freedom and prolific musical imagination of South African jazz legends, the Blue Notes on Friday, 21 October 2011, from 8pm. Chimurenga editor Ntone Edjabe and DJs Nok and Soul Diablo will be on the decks, selecting gems from the Blue Notes’ and Brotherhood of Breath’s discography and more. R20 at the gate.


The “Chronic Library” exhibition from 19-26 October at Goethe-Institut Gallery (119 Jan Smuts Ave, Parktown, Entrance on New Port Road).


The Chronic Library is an installation of posters, books, journals, music and films that trace the research and evolution of the Chimuenga Chronic. Presented as an interactive reading room, it provides background and context to the project by inviting visitors to create wide-ranging connections through diverse materials that both informed and respond to the newspaper. Journeying through time, the library features print materials alongside audio listening stations and screens for browsing the newspaper as well as online reading lists and resources.

For more information, visit the Chronic Newsroom.


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