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Reform and Revolution: Destruction of the University


In the fall of 2015, universities across South Africa were engulfed by fires ignited by students’ discontent with the racial discrimination and colonialism that still defines the country’s institutes of higher education. The protests broadcast on televisions around the world were neither without precedent nor without parallel. The University in Africa, and indeed South Africa, […]

No Congo, No Technology

Post-disciplinary artist, Maurice Mbikayi, was born in Kinshasa, in 1974. His country of birth, Democratic Republic of Congo, is the world’s largest producer of Coltan – a key ingredient in many electronic devices. Mbikayi’s work – built from remnants of discarded computer parts, “junk technology” and other materials – asks deeper questions about the networks […]

Black Atlantis


Ayesha Hameed presenting a series of sounds and images looking at the Black Atlantic in contemporary, illegalised migration at sea, in oceanic environments, through Afro-futuristic dance floors, on sound systems and in outer-space.

Postcards from Pan-Africa

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA - MARCH 18:  A plaque stands outside the headquarters complex of the African Union (AU), which was a gift by the government of China and completed in 2012, on March 18, 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiopia, with an estimated 91 million inhabitants, is the second most populated country in Africa and the per capita income is $1,200.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

When reports (rumours) surfaced on that 9th of May, 2016, that Haiti, the land Aime Cesaire claimed is “where negritude stood up for the first time” had finally joined the African Union, Pan-Africanists the world round celebrated. But with the rejoice came questions; queries about the AU itself, and whether or not an African Unionised […]

Ten Paragraphs of Music Criticism


Off The Page is the UK’s only literary festival devoted to music criticism and audio culture. Taking place in the seaside town of Whitstable in Kent, this unique weekend-long event looks to expand the discourse surrounding contemporary sound and music. In the 2011 edition of this festival, Kodwo Eshun launched a “first attempt at the history of […]